[Middle East of opening a Pandora's box Do] China warning the US ...

[All nations participate in] the United Nations-General in calling ...

[Middle East of opening a Pandora's box Do] China warning the US ... Guterres Secretary-General of the United Nations, 0 realization of the date of opening the Middle East non-weapons of mass destruction in (WMD) zone concept a speech at the beginning of an international conference aimed at [the situation in the Middle East is a serious concern for the entire world] and pointed out and [the meeting, all of the countries of the Middle East want to be the starting point of the non-exclusive process that can participate] called for. The focus of the conference's denuclearization of Israel is the only nuclear weapon states the Middle East, but the United States is absent from the meeting of the country and back shield. The assembly hall was also reserved the two countries of the seat, but remained vacant. The meeting until the day.